Saturday, June 26, 2010

Making Connections and Family Outings

I was very worried that William would have nothing to do once Mark started school and no one to do it with. However, prayers have been heard and within the two weeks we have been here, we have made some very fortunate connections.

Last Wednesday I took William over to the Claremont Library. There, he struck up a friendship with another little boy who was about a year and a half older than him. The age difference didn't seem to matter to either of them. They both enjoyed running crazy around the library while me and the other boy's mom tried everything to get them to stop. While me and the mom were chasing our sons, we started a conversation. In this conversation I mentioned that I just moved here. She then told me about this great "mommy and toddler" summer program on Mondays and Wednesdays that needed more sign ups or else it would be canceled. This program is a pre-preschool program with classroom activities on Mondays and fun field trips on Wednesdays and it runs for 6 weeks. The best news is that the whole program is only $10! I couldn't believe it! She told me how to register and we exchanged phone numbers. Later that week, I ran into her again at the supermarket. She actually remembered me and came up to say hi! We talked for about 30 minutes and made future plans to have a little swim party at her house in the coming weeks. We start the pre-preschool program on Monday. I'm very excited!

We have only been here for 2 Saturdays so far, but Mark and I aren't wasting anytime going on outings and getting to know California. On the first Saturday we went to Griffith Park. We saw ponies, went on a train ride, and saw the train museum. I used to go to Griffith Park when I lived in California as a young girl. It was great to visit with my own child. All my childhood memories were coming back. It was easy to remember how much I loved it as I watched the excitement in Will's eyes. We had a great time.

Today, our second Saturday, I convinced Mark that we should go to the beach. He had met another student at Western who was married with a two year old son (Cody, Trish, and Wesley) who had mentioned that we should all go to the beach. So, Mark called him up and we all met at Laguna Beach. Cody also invited another first year student who also is married with a two year old daughter (James, Rachel, and Addy) to meet us there as well. We had a great time. Not only did we all have two year old children, we are also all pregnant and LDS! With all of these things in common, it was easy to connect with each other. It was also great for William to play with kids his own age. I was personally proud of Will. He is a few months younger than the other kids, but he was the only one who wasn't scared of the waves. He loved running and jumping in the water while the others were a little more hesitant. Mark got to splash and play as well with the guys as I got to sit and talk with the girls. We made future plans to get the kids together and hang out.

Heavenly Father is looking out for us and hearing our prayers. We have been so fortunate so far in our time in California. Things are looking very positive!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear that you are making friends already! It sounds like California has good things in store for you guys!
